June 12, 2010


This is my show project when I was attending ASU during my sophomore year. The objective was to create a one shoe that looks realistic, but doesn't have to be worn. The picture on the top is the result of my work. A simple tennis shoe called, OUROBOROS.

First, I used white Styrofoam to create the base of my shoe. Then I scanned it into the computer and designed the sole on illustrator. After the design, I used chip board to cut out the design using a laser cutter.

I then spread blue tape (sticky side up) on the table and and taped my design on it.

After taping my design it looks like this. Then I Trimmed the edge and glued the sole design on my styrofoam sole.

Then I paste the logo around the sole.

I made the top using a shoe display on the tip (sorry don't know what its called), wire mesh and a LOT of pins to hold up the leather and the shape.

The sole is colored with water base spray paint. After the top and bottom is done I just paste them together. The small mistakes like paint cracks, wrinkles, and pins are fixed in photoshop.


  1. Lol yes, but it was a fun experience :D

  2. Hi Choe, I came upon your blog by researching sole former, I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to make a high heel former to form the shoe around it and wanted to know what materials you used to form the styrofoam and how you got it so smooth. Would greatly appreciate your help. I'm a cake decorator, in California.Sorry I'm using my husbands e-mail.
